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Extraks Sprocket Extensions
EXTRAKS are a patent pending bolt-on accessory for open sprocket drives, on soft tracked MTL skidsteer machines, such as CAT or TEREX. Models include Cat 247B, 257B,D, Terex PT50, PT60, ASV RT50,RT60
EXTRAKS provide an extra, external drive support, which allows full capacity use of the skidsteer, without fear of track jumping and lug damage.
EXTRAKS allows the soft MTL tracks to be run with less tension, giving reduced fatigue, wear and track jumping.
Simple, bolt on design means EXTRAKS are easy to install in under an hour.
"I have eliminated tearing lugs off my 257 tracks completely. I have used Extraks on my last two 257 machines and will fit them on any more I buy. They are a must on this size machine."
Chris Foote, Chris Foote Design and Build NZ
"I fitted Extraks to my last MTL machines and found they increased my track life considerablably. I do not have to keep the track tension anywhere near as tight. I doubled my track life and never lost a lug"
Scotty Manderson, Scottys Bobcats, NZ

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